• +91-9333333121
  • +91-8388888851
  • info@ihrccc.com
International Human Rights & Crime Control Council (IHRCCC)

A global initiative to protect Human Rights and to make Crime Free World.

For Members

For Members

General Member

Any major individual of sound mind and integrity having unflinching faith in the aims and objectives of the society can become its General Member. Become member with Membership fee for 1 Year is Rs 2100 (Twenty One Hundred Only) and for lifetime shall be Rs 4,000.00 (Rupees Four Thousand only) for Lifetime Membership, subject to revision from time to time. Member will not involve himself/herself in any unlawful/ unwarranted activity otherwise IHRCCC will take appropriate legal action against him/her. He/She shall be ready to work assigned to him/her for the common cause on honorary basis. He/She will not communicate on behalf of IHRCCC to any govt. institutions/organizations/officers without obtaining prior permission from the competent authority of IHRCCC in writing. He/She shall abide with every terms and conditions of the IHRCCC. He/She shall bring every necessary information to the knowledge of the competent authority of IHRCCC.

Associate Member

A general member may be enrolled as an associate member provided that (i) he/she has been contributing to the development of the society for not less than two consecutive years and (ii) he/she is found suitable and keen to discharge assigned works of the society and {iii) he/she is duly recommended by the IHRCCC for the same. Any major individual may directly be enrolled as an associate member provided the IHRCCC considers his/her case and recommends favorably. All such individuals shall have to pay membership fee of Rs. 25,000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand only) per year for this category. They may be provided major responsibility as IHRCCC thinks fit in the Administrative Council. The IHRCCC may extend or curtail the membership and responsibility of any such member without any prior notice.

Donor Member

Any person of good integrity donating Rs. 1, 00,000=00 (Rs. One lakh only) shall be enrolled as a donor member of the IHRCCC. Any institution or organization donating Rs. 1,00,000=00 (Rs. One lakh only) or more in Online/Cheque/DD only, shall be enrolled as a donor member and Donar members or any authorized representative of the Donar Member may attend our various initiative, when IHRCCC invites.

Honorary Member

Any person of remarkable achievement in any field of knowledge, creativity, performance, work or service subscribing to the aims and objectives of the society may be enrolled as an Honorary Member of the society without paying any fee. Such members may attend important meetings of the IHRCCC and offer suggestions at times. The Honorary Members may be inducted in the Executive Council(E.C) as per decision of organization.


Eminent persons of proven excellence and exemplary caliber in any field of knowledge, creativity, performance, work or service may be nominated as Patrons of the society. Patrons may be invited to attend important IHRCCC or General Body meetings. However, they shall not be obliged to pay any membership fee or to attend General Body / E.C meetings or take part in any voting.

Procedure for Enrolment of a Member

Persons or institutions or organizations (except the Honorary Members and the Patrons) desirous of being enrolled as members shall apply to the IHRCCC giving their particulars on a prescribed application form. The IHRCCC shall deal with all kinds of such application and grant membership by a majority decision. The IHRCCC reserves to itself the right to accept, continue or deny membership to any individual, institution or organization without assigning any reason whatsoever and its decision shall be final.

Termination of Membership

Any member of the IHRCCC who works against the interests, objectives and reputation of the IHRCCC will cease to be its membership. The IHRCCC shall have full power to take such decision. A member of the IHRCCC including a founder member shall cease to be a membership of the IHRCCC if, He/She died, resign, become of unsound mind, become insolvent or is convicted of a criminal offence. He/ She do not attend three consecutive meetings of the IHRCCC. However, if he/she submits or sends prior written information to the President or Gen. Secretary mentioning proper reason for his/her absence, his/her membership may be continued. He/ She fail to pay the subscription or dues to the society continuously for 15 days after the due date. A member may resign from the membership of the society any time by a letter addressed to the president or the Secretary. The IHRCCC shall have full powers to accept such resignations. There shall not be restoration of membership after termination.